TikTok mockup
When building out a social network, video is one the most important aspects of user engagement. Video is the universal language. With api.video you can integrate videos into your social network project easily and seamlessly.
- Mockup of TikTok UI
- List of the videos on your api.video account
- Swipe through videos
- Like a video
- Share a video
Before cloning the Github repo, you can try out the demo of the TikTok mockup. Head over to the following page to test it out.
Github repo
Now that's you've got the look and feel, you can clone the repo and start hacking.
You will find the repo here
To clone the repo, just go into your command line and run the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/apivideo/tiktok_clone
You can find the usage instructions in the TikTok mockup Github repository