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Video Upload Errors

Error map

Error messageStatusDescriptionDetails
The uploaded file is empty.400You have uploaded an empty file (0 bytes).
The uploaded file is invalid.400You have uploaded a file that is not valid for the endpoint you are using. Check the "detail" key for more information.
There are more than one uploaded file in the request.400You tried to upload multiple files at once.
There is no uploaded file in the request.400You are trying to send a file to our servers but you forgot to fill it in the body of the request.
The uploaded file is too large.400If your video is larger than 200 MiB, check [Progressively upload large video]
This video source has already been copied from an existing video when the video was created.400This video source has already been copied from an existing video when the video was created.
This video source has already been downloaded when the video was created.400
This video source has already been uploaded.400

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