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Authentication Errors

The errors you might get while authenticating against the API

Error map

Error messageStatusDescriptionDetails
The API key is invalid.401You've entered an incorrect API key
The access token is invalid or expired.401The access token sent in "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" does not exist at all or has expired.
The upload token is invalid or expired.401The upload token you use does not exist at all or has expired.
The refresh token is invalid.401The refresh token you sent does not exist at all.
The "Authorization" header value is invalid.401The "Authorization" header value is invalid for the authentication method you chose.
The "Authorization" header is missing.401You did not send the "Authorization" header at all.
The upload token is missing.401You did not send the upload token at all.
Suspended account403You sent an authenticated request but your account is suspended.

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