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With the Strapi plugin you can upload and embed your videos into your Strapi website effortlessly. Check out this short video to get started with your integration using Strapi:


  • Upload videos using a file to inside of Strapi
  • Manage assets with the plugin's asset grid and pagination capabilities
  • Search for assets using title
  • Preview content using our player (powered by the package)
  • Delete assets which result in the Asset also being deleted


Via Strapi Marketplace

Just navigate to Strapi marketplace and click on Install Now.

Via command line

Use yarn to install this plugin within your Strapi project (recommended)

yarn add

After successful installation you've to re-build your Strapi instance:

yarn build
yarn develop

or just run Strapi in the development mode with --watch-admin option:

yarn develop --watch-admin

The api-video-uploader plugin should appear in the Plugins section of Strapi sidebar after you run app again.


  • account
  • Strapi installed

Minimum environment requirements

  • Node.js >=14.19.1 <=18.x.x
  • NPM >=6.x.x
  • In our minimum support we're following official Node.js releases timelines.

Supported Strapi versions:

  • Strapi v4.5.1 (recently tested)
  • Strapi v4.x
  • This plugin is designed for Strapi v4 and is not working with v3.x.

We recommend always using the latest version of Strapi to start your new projects.


  • Navigate to your dashboard and copy over yout API key.

  • On your Strapi admin page, navigate to Settings and click on "General" under the API.VIDEO UPLOADER tab.

  • Paste your Api Key and click Save.

To resolve Content Security Policy directive issue and to visualize the thumbnail and the video, we need to configure external ressource like embed.api.videoand Modify the middlewares.js file like below:

// config/middlewares.js
module.exports = ({ env }) => [
        name: 'strapi::security',
        config: {
            contentSecurityPolicy: {
                useDefaults: true,
                directives: {
                    'connect-src': ["'self'", 'https:'],
                    'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', '', ''],
                    'frame-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', ''],
                    upgradeInsecureRequests: null,

Permissions Configurations

  • Strapi Community Edition: any user with the role of super administrator can configure and use the plugin.

  • Strapi Enterprise Edition: can be fine tuned according to the role of users. This is done in the Roles view in the Administration Panel.


By default we send the value Strapias Upload source to keep track. This value is set by default and can't be changed.


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

If you encounter an error or have questions, please feel free to file inquiries on the Issues page for

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