In-stream ads
In-stream ads are a very common and powerful tool for monetizing your project, by including inline ads to your video and live streams. give you the ability to leverage a 3rd party ad server that supports IAB standards, in order to include linear, non-linear, VAST, VPAID and VMAP ads.
In-stream ads are a very convenient way of monetization of videos and streams. You can read more about in-stream ads in more detail here.
Getting Started
Including ads in your videos and stream is easy. There are multiple ways you can do that:
What are VAST, VPAID, and VMAP url tags?
In order to specify how to serve your ads, you will be able to include an adTagUrl
with a video object. This will allow you to specify the ad server URL and include the tags to give the server the instruction on how to play the ad (non-linear, linear and etc.). You can find more about which tags are available in the Google IMA SDK documentation.
HTML URL fragments
You can pass the VAST or VPAID tags with the player URL. With the embedded player link, just pass in the additional URL fragment:
For example:<videoID>[…]tart%3D1%26env%3Dvp%26impl%3Ds%26correlator%3D
React Native Player SDK
Using the React Native Player SDK, you will be able to pass the ads
component, with the adTagUrl
that will include the URL tags string. For example:
React Player Installation
Install the React Player SDK dependencies in order to import them to your project:
$ npm install --save
React player ads implementation
Once you've imported the library into your project, you can then implement the library and pass in the the video or stream id with the ad component:
import ApiVideoPlayer from ''
// ...
video={{id: "<videoId>"}}
Javascript Player SDK
When using the Javascript player SDK, you will be able to pass the ads
object. The object intakes a key-value pair adTagUrl: <string>
. In the adTagUrl
you can pass URL tags.
For example:
ads: {
adTagUrl: "",
You can consume the Player SDK through commonjs
, ES6
or directly through CDN.
Player SDK Installation
Add the player sdk dependency to your project. You can also consume the sdk directly from the CDN, scroll down to CDN + HTML
for further instruction
$ npm install --save
You can then use the SDK in your script:
var { PlayerSdk } = require('');
const sdk = new PlayerSdk("#target", {
id: "\<VIDEO_ID>",
ads: {
adTagUrl: "",
// ... other optional options
ES6 or Typescript
You can then use the SDK in your script:
import { PlayerSdk } from ''
const sdk = new PlayerSdk("#target", {
id: "\<VIDEO_ID>",
ads: {
adTagUrl: "",
// ... other optional options
HTML only
Include the SDK in your HTML file like so:
<script src="" defer></script>
Then, once the window.onload
event has been triggered, create your player using new PlayerSdk():
<script type="text/javascript">
window.player = new PlayerSdk("#target", {
id: "<VIDEO_ID>",
ads: {
adTagUrl: "",
// ... other optional options